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I am a traveler, deeply grateful to return often to the rich landscape surrounding the Great Lakes – from TKaronto* on the north shore of the lake that the Anishawbek call Niigani gichigami (lake Ontario) through to Buffalo NY on the north west edge of Waabishkiigoo gichigami (Lake Erie).

*where there are trees in the water

I have been fortunate to sustain my dedication to the art of performance for over four decades and am internationally recognized for my art and teaching practices. Through my art practice I have built an approach to voice, movement and performance that integrates disciplines to archive artful potential in a variety of career fields. As a child of prairie settlers on Turtle Island I study to understand my privilege and work to decolonize my own learning, teaching and art creation processes. My art works for change and equity by focusing attention through practice, breeding wonder through care, encouraging boldness and dignifying difference as potential.

art of peace (once)CIMG6638.jpg

Michael Caldwell in MONUMENT from Gerry Trentham's Art of Peace series in film by William Yong



Learning Opportunities

Modules - Fields of Attention - Coaching

Gerry Trentham's Fields of Attention, gathers insights from his 40 years of dance/theatre performance, performance creation and teaching, and weaves a wide array of physical and creative practices into thoughtful, achievable training modules and coaching for artistic, personal and professional growth. 

Fields of Attention learning opportunities include self-contained modules of individual and collective learning that draw on the pedagogy, philosophy and practice that Gerry Trentham has been sharing with artists, teachers, audience and any who wish to experience the impact of art practice in their life.

unearth your difference
build your potential 
experience its impact 
I give acknowledgement to the traditional caretakers of this territory

The Anishnawbe (Ojibway), the Huron-Wendat, and the Mississaugas of the Credit River and the Hotinonhshon:ni confederacy – a confederacy that came be known with settlement as the six nations and is recognized as one of the world’s oldest participatory democracies.

The five original Iroquois (Hotinonhshon:ni) nations of the confederacy were:

the Mohawk (self-name: Kanien’kehá:ka [“People of the Flint”]), 

Oneida (self-name: Onᐱyoteʔa∙ká [“People of the Standing Stone”]), 

Onondaga (self-name: Onoñda’gega’ [“People of the Hills”]), 

Cayuga (self-name: Gayogo̱hó:nǫ’ [“People of the Great Swamp”]),

and Seneca (self-name: Onödowa’ga:’ [“People of the Great Hill”]).

And later  Tuscarora (self-name: Skarù∙ręʔ [“People of the Shirt”]).

I work and live to support these nations’ in their ongoing care of these territories and to encourage presence within these environments that sustains this beauty for future generations.   

Value of Wonder
as in solitude and

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