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Fields of Attention

Trentham's new book Fields of Attention is being edited and audio narrated to be published in 2027. It will feature his encouragement for readers to delve into artistic practice and uncover their potential through bold perseverance, care, and wonder, qualities he has honed in his life of art practice.  Modules of practical learning encourage unique invitations to achieve your body/voice potential. 

Trentham's Fields of Attention

creation and practice strives to understand the angle of human awareness to unlock the miracle of the moving body and voice as a source for the mind, imagination and spirit.


From Four Angles

A taste of Introduction

from the Fields of Attention


As we view practice I encourage us to look beyond “practicing for” and rather look to consider that what we practice becomes us. Practice often oscillates between narrower and wider focus, between inner and outer attention and all the many angles and vectors in between and beyond. I will start here with a very wide and simple view as context. The practice that this book offers is based in a mobility along an outer spiral that connects to our many relationships that are simultaneously arguing to angle our attention. Our inner “being”, a no-self (more on that later), the ‘self’ others and we “have” constructed or composed both consciously and unconsciously that includes our deep longing, our “doings” or perceived actions in the inner and outer worlds, and the “re-beings” - re-compositions we reveal toward others through art, story, writing or performance, all vie for attention. This is a simplified form to represent the formlessness of our doings and beings. It will help us begin to consider practice beyond its usual use as in becoming better at something.   


How within this bigger picture and out of the indescribable formless water body do we create our own personal practice that values the learning and growth that we individually choose as part of our distinctive role within the community? This is no simple question. Let’s see and experience where some of our major considerations may be lodged. Let’s see if these angles of inquiry/experience can assist you to begin to gather a sequence of practices that can be actively repeated. Perhaps you will uncover and discover practices that can house some of doing/being/learning that is most important to you. 


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